Compostable Cold Cups and Lids: A Guide
Due to the increasing plastic pollution and emphasis on waste management, compostable products are gaining popularity worldwide. These days, you can find compostable food packaging, baking paper, toothbrushes, deodorant tubes, and many other everyday products, allowing you to switch to an eco-friendly lifestyle.
We have made this guide to help you understand what makes compostable cups eco-friendly and the right way of discarding them.
What are Compostable Cups
Compostable cups contain materials similar to biodegradable products as both are made to return to earth safely. In fact, compostable materials are considered better than biodegradable because these materials provide nutrients to the earth after breaking down. This process is known as compositing.
There are designated sites for composting depending on the environmental elements and drainage systems to fulfill the composting conditions. This is why all the compostable products are sent to compost piles after being discarded.
How They are Made
Compostable cups are made from renewable materials like potato, tapioca and corn starches, lactic acid, soy protein, and cellulose. Other plastic cups use plastic made from fossil fuels and petrochemicals; that's why they contain hazardous elements and are unsafe for the environment.
The renewable materials used in compostable products decompose into nutrients that enrich the soil.
Benefits of Compostable Cups
With the increasing need to minimize wastage and pollution, compostable cups made with organic materials offer many benefits over other counterparts.
They Consume Less Energy and Resources
Plastic cups require high energy during production and cause significant environmental pollution. Besides energy, they use many other scarce resources, which leads to resource depletion. Compostable cups require low energy during production and are made with renewable materials; they don't cause resource depletion and give back to the earth after decomposing.
They Reduce The Waste in Landfills
The drastic amount of waste in landfills is alarming, and many people are looking for effective ways to reduce it. Switching to compostable cups reduces plastic from landfills. Landfill waste doesn't decompose easily, polluting the environment for a long time.
They Don't Contain Toxins
Since these cups use natural materials during production, they are free from chemicals, bleaches, dyes, or toxins. Their ivory color comes from the natural color of corn starch. We can't say the same for plastic because most types of plastic contain harmful chemicals such as bisphenol-A or phthalates.
They Reduce Pollution from the Oceans
According to scientific studies, over 8 million tons of plastic waste pollute the oceans each year. Most of this plastic comes from disposable cups and bottles. Compostable cups offer a great alternative to reduce the plastic pollution from the oceans and save marine life.
They Offer Durability
Compostable cups offer the same durability as plastic or paper products. They don't leak, keep the drinks safe from external elements and resist impact.
However, it's important to dispose of compostable cups correctly, which means throwing them in their designated bin. Nowadays, you can easily find commercial compost bins around your area, or you can set up your own. If you're running a restaurant or café, encourage your customers to compost their used cups.

You can find a wide variety of compostable cold cups with lids on our website. We offer eco-friendly restaurant supplies, including shopping bags, disposable utensils, takeout containers, and much more. See these products here.